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What is metal casting? Metаl саsting is а mаnufасturing рrосess thаt invоlves роuring mоlten metаl intо а mоuld tо сreаte а metаl раrt. The mold has

CNC milling is one of the most innovative technological trends of this century. Although most people are familiar with 3D printing for producing physical parts, CNC

Sheet metal fabrication is a cost-effective option to produce different parts out of various metals. Many industries take advantage of the benefits of sheet metal

Focus on the whole picture when choosing a CNC machine shop rather than just one or two company traits. A shop’s entire inventory of work

Custom precision metal fabrication might be a useful manufacturing process for your company’s parts. Customization guarantees that you produce a good part with a structure

Water jet cutting, which is also called waterjet cutting, abrasive waterjet cutting, or sometimes mistakenly known as water jetting cutting, is a popular manufacturing process.

Many industries that make products rely on CNC machining. It is a very common manufacturing method. To begin with, CNC, or computer numerical control, is

Plastic injection molding (also spelled as plastic injection moulding in the U.K.) is a very popular manufacturing process.  It is typically a fairly high-volume process.

Hard metals such as chromium and tungsten are rare in the manufacturing industry. Many metals are soft – but strong enough for manufacturing. This happens

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